Co2 30w 60W 100w inneal comharrachaidh laser laser airson neo-mhisneachd
C02 inneal comharraidh laser Faodaidh Inneal de stuthan neo-mheatailte agus toraidhean meatailt a chomharrachadh, mar fhiodh, leathar, botal plastaig msaa; agus airson inneal comharrachaidh luchd-lasaidh Chuke Lake, tha an fhactaraidh agus an loidhne-sìthe R & D Ritory againn, gus fuasglaidhean laser nas proifeiseanta a thoirt dhut.
Inneal comharraidh 30w / 40w / 50W co-dhiù inneal comharrachaidh laser 4030 inneal gràbhaladh laser
CHUKE CO2 laser engraving machine will be used for a varity of non-metallic materials and metal products, such as bamboo, wood, paper ABS PVC epoxy resin, acrylic, leather, glass, building ceramics,rubber etc. Widely used in pharmaceutical packageing, food packaging, beverag packaging, plastic, textile, leather, wood, handicrafts, electronic components, communications, uaireadairean, speuclairean, clò-bhualadh agus gnìomhachasan eile.